Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Creature of Darkness

Being the Christmas period, work has become quite busy, so in lieu of a proper post I give you the following:

In the shadows I live. In the quiet and darkness. I creep into your dreams when I can, but my favourite thing of all is to touch your skin while you sleep; my nails, long and sharp, scoring thin red marks on your surface. If you wake, if you open your sleep weighted eyes, you will not see me. There will be only a soft whisper as I slip back into the shadows, unknown by you.
You will not know me. I am too fast for you, and I live in the moonless night where your eyes cannot penetrate. Your electric lights will not banish all the gentle dark, and I can wait for the time when they are gone.


Tuesday, December 14, 2010


There she sits. From the outside, it appears as if she works. She is typing; her keyboard clicking gently as each key is depressed. Occasionally she sips coffee from a large green and white mug, gripping it around the body rather than using the handle. If you were asked, you would say it is probably cold where she sits, under the bright light of a fluorescent bulb. She wears dark jeans and a leather jacket, the only touch of colour the bottom of a very short dress, or long top, which shows as a strip beneath the jacket.
As you cannot see the screen, you guess that it is work she is doing, because she also wears a frown of concentration. The desk she is seated at stretches out on either side of her, cluttered with papers and other items. She pays no attention to them, or to her surroundings; you can see they are not important to her. She stops typing for a moment to work her shoulder length hair out from the neckline of her jacket, then resumes.

But that is all from the outside. It is impossible to see what she is typing, and again impossible to tell what thoughts are provoking that intent look. You would like to ask, since she has piqued your interest, but she is a stranger, and you are only dreaming.

There she sits. She is typing, and hoping it appears that she is working. She is frowning; frustrated. The boredom she feels sitting here is not easily dispelled, although writing her stories goes some way towards that end. She is not quite warm enough, but the coffee, and extra layers she has on under her jacket help. Her jeans are a little too tight, and make it uncomfortable to sit at the desk all day. Her hair is irritating her; it won’t grow fast enough, and gets into her jacket.
As she stares at the screen waiting for inspiration, she can feel her frustration building. She feels as if there is a small incorporeal version of herself banging around inside her skull, beating her fists on the inside, and yelling into the dark pink ether of her brain, trying to escape.
She wonders if others feel this way, or whether she is slowly going mad with boredom.
And as she sits, and as the feeling of madness creeps through her body, she has the distinct feeling that she is being observed. She is being watched. She can feel invisible eyes crawling over her body.
And as this feeling settles on her, as she becomes more sure of it, irrational anger replaces the boredom, perhaps exaggerated by it. She stills, but doesn’t look around. She knows it is not something she will be able to see. And that small self inside her head, that incorporeal body stills too. With both her selves she reaches her senses out, feeling the air. And the feeling dies. There is nothing. She is only dreaming.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Wednesday Big One - Goat Getting!

 I’m going to rant today about something that really gets my goat, and which I have trouble explaining exactly why it bothers me so much. It is the donation gift card.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I have no problem with anyone donating to charities, and I have no problem donating myself (I currently have three different charities taking money out of my account monthly), but I absolutely have a problem with these cards.

My feelings are that if you don’t want to give me a Christmas present, but want to donate to charity instead, that is absolutely fine. No worries. I have no problem with that at all.
What I have a problem with is you donating to charity and then telling me it was in my name.
And this is where I come up against a mental block. I don’t quite understand why I find this part of it quite so offensive. Perhaps it is a matter of free will, either in the matter of donating at all, or choosing who I want to donate to, I’m not sure.

I know I’m not the only person who feels like this, and yet I can’t quite grab hold of the reason why. And that bothers me almost as much as receiving one of these cards.

All that said, I also applaud the charities for coming up with another innovative way of getting more money out of greedy rich people to help their causes. This fact that I agree with the reasoning behind the cards also bothers me. How can I agree with the idea, and find it so offensive at the same time?

But either way:
If I want to donate, I will.
If you want to donate, feel free, go for it. Just don’t do it in my name.

So here are some questions for you. Do you feel the same way, and can you explain it? Or do you disagree, and why?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Zombie Rabbits

You've probably guessed by now that I have a small obsession with all things zombie at the moment. Here's a poem a wrote a while ago, somewhat inspired by Monty Python and the Holy Grail...

Zombie Rabbits

Fluffy rabbits, bunny rabbits, hopping through the air
Catch them quick, catch them hard, catch them if you dare.
Fluffy rabbits, bunny rabbits, tangling in your hair,
They bite your neck, and blood spurts out, it’s going everywhere.

Fluffy rabbits, bunny rabbits, chasing you so fast
Run from them, run so hard, run until they’re past.
Fluffy rabbits, bunny rabbits, special zombie caste,
They’ll eat your lips, and eyeballs too, but save your brain for last.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


The lethargy is upon me. It comes as now with gentle fingers, caressing, seducing, sending my thoughts into a paralysis of anti-motivation. The day crawls by and I cannot find any focus; have no desire to even attempt focus. The world passes by my blank stare, coaxing no participation. I fold into myself, distant emotions washing around me far away. Eventually this will end, but for now, the world is grey.

I wrote that yesterday. I'm very lucky I never actually feel quite that down, and even when I do feel vaguely like that it doesn't last very long.
Not long at all. I woke up this morning and ST told me I shouldn't be so happy because it was too early. As I was driving along on my way to work I was as happy as I've ever been. The air was crystal clear, and everything around me had such a vibrancy to it I could barely breathe. There was a sense that everything was almost too perfect to be real.
I drive to work at the best time of day in Summer. It's not long after 6am and the sun has just risen. On a bright morning like this morning you can just feel the life in the trees, and even the cars on the road are beautiful.

It's a very distracting feeling to have when driving on the freeway.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Wednesday Big One – Grammar Nazis!

There’s one thing that really bugs me on the internet, and that’s a Grammar Nazi. I don’t have a problem with helping others who don’t know their semi-colons from their apostrophes, but I also don’t mind if you don’t want help and you don’t particularly care if you’re using the correct punctuation or not.

I can just hear the cacophony of Grammar Nazi disgust over that comment, but let me explain.
Our written language is (or at least was initially) simply a visual representation of our spoken language. As such, as long as you are making yourself clear to your audience, surely it doesn’t matter exactly what form that representation takes?
Yes, we have our standard spelling and our standard grammar, but we also have constantly changing spoken language. Should our spelling and grammar not also be allowed to change with it?

I have heard it argued that correct spelling should not be changed because it reflects the etymology of our language, that is the origins and history of each word. As someone who is fascinated by etymology and often noticing new connections between words I never realised were related, I do like the idea of retaining this resource. However, I also feel that new changes are important, and will in future reflect a more recent part of the history of our language.

I find it interesting that the same people who can argue in favour of retaining as many languages as possible can also be the same people who argue for a lack of change in our own language. To me, the main reasoning for keeping alive as many languages as possible is to promote diversity in thought, since language has the ability to affect thought processes. If we don’t allow any change in our own language, how can we be expected to be able to diversify our own thinking processes to cope with a changing world? And if we do allow change in our spoken language, shouldn’t that be reflected in our written language?

Another point I would make is that with the internet becoming a larger part of our communications, and therefore the written language gathering more importance in its own right (rather than simply being a representation of spoken language), I think it’s even more reasonable for there to be change. I would expect this change to be even faster, since it is not written language catching up with spoken language change, but actual change in written language.

Our culture isn’t static, our language isn’t static, and so our written language should also not be static.
So to all you Grammar Nazis out there; when it comes to making niggling little comments about a probable typo then all I can say is ‘Get over it!!’

Thoughts, anyone?