Thursday, December 2, 2010


The lethargy is upon me. It comes as now with gentle fingers, caressing, seducing, sending my thoughts into a paralysis of anti-motivation. The day crawls by and I cannot find any focus; have no desire to even attempt focus. The world passes by my blank stare, coaxing no participation. I fold into myself, distant emotions washing around me far away. Eventually this will end, but for now, the world is grey.

I wrote that yesterday. I'm very lucky I never actually feel quite that down, and even when I do feel vaguely like that it doesn't last very long.
Not long at all. I woke up this morning and ST told me I shouldn't be so happy because it was too early. As I was driving along on my way to work I was as happy as I've ever been. The air was crystal clear, and everything around me had such a vibrancy to it I could barely breathe. There was a sense that everything was almost too perfect to be real.
I drive to work at the best time of day in Summer. It's not long after 6am and the sun has just risen. On a bright morning like this morning you can just feel the life in the trees, and even the cars on the road are beautiful.

It's a very distracting feeling to have when driving on the freeway.

1 comment:

  1. My dad once told me that to rise with the sun set everything right ... If only the lethargy would stop blocking it from my view.
